My overarching "motto" for 2023 is been gratitude. I am overflowing with blessings: an amazing family that gives me unconditional love and support, encouraging friendships, as well as a full scholarship to University of Cincinnati to name a few. I wholeheartedly agree with Eckhart Tolle who says, "Acknowledging the good that you already have in life is the foundation for all abundance." The only way I can continue to grow, evolve, and become the best version of myself is by remaining grateful.
As a proud Black woman, this gratitude extends to the generations of trailblazers before me. I truly am my ancestors wildest dream.
However, gratitude does not end at a "thank you" or simply acknowledging the good; the greatest form of gratitude is giving. To truly live the idea of gratitude, I aim to pay forward my blessings in whatever way I can. This has contributed to my growing love for volunteering in underrepresented communities and passion for advocating for the rights, life, and wellbeing of Black Americans.
Looking forward, I want to channel these loves and passions to my career in healthcare as a Nurse. Rather than simply treating patients, my goal is to combat racially motivated stereotypes and policies that perpetuate inequality within the healthcare system.
This goal is not simple or linear, but change rarely comes from such aspirations. However, I plan to optimize my time at UC by narrowing my focus and leaning into my village for support and guidance.
As long as I stay authentic to myself and core values of hard-work, inclusion, and empathy-- I don't think I can go wrong :)

A little more about me!
Although I no longer dance competitively, it will always be one of my first loves and something I turn to for comfort. I am a sucker for 90's R&B music, but am equally obsessed with contemporary rap/hip-hop. Anyone that approaches me to watch a sunset, go on a shopping trip, or coffee run is my instant best friend. I love traveling, being able to experience different cultures, and meet new people; some destinations on my "need to visit" list right now are: Tanzania, Greece, Paris, Jamaica, and Bora Bora.