Year-IN Review
2023 - 2024
The most valuable lesson I am taking with me from this year is discernment surrounding relationships. I am a high-achieving scholar that sees no ceiling in regards to my potential. I am also fiercely loyal and truly value each of my personal connections. With my heavy extracurricular involvement, many of my relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or professional were placed at a crossroads. Although I pride myself on being able to separate business from personal, it was hard continuing to walk that line. Throughout the year, it became apparent that I had people in my circle with ulterior motives. In my personal life, it manifested as jealousy and as exploitation in professional settings. It became a consistent internal conflict because the love and respect I had for these people did not negate their habitual mistreatment toward me. However, through conversations with my immediate family, trusted mentors, and many hours spent in self reflection, I recognized two truths: some people do not want to see you win and everyone in my life serves a unique purpose. Most people I encounter will only be in my life for a season and that is okay. The most important thing is being able to discern how I should let someone show up in my life and act accordingly.
This realization improved my quality of life tenfold. I was able to detach from people who were not actively adding to my life or even taking steps to make it harder. I became more intentional about setting clear boundaries with all my relationships and reinforcing when necessary. As well as observing the actions of others to dictate how much access they had to me. Since then, I have been able to thrive unapologetically and have more time for genuine relationships that truly uplift and fulfill me.
To continue this growth , I am going to trust myself and instincts, first. Always staying in tune with my needs and whether my current circle best serves them. As well as listen to my support system. Those who have continually proven themselves to be genuine additions to my life because they will often be able to detect unhealthiness, sometimes before I can. I am grateful to have grown in this way fairly early in my college career/adulthood, so that I continue to attract only healthy connections moving forward.